Viral Zoonoses Slide Set

Rabies Control of Rabies Infection


G. Rabies Control

Urban - canine rabies accounts for more than 99% of all human rabies cases and over 90% of all human post-exposure treatments worldwide. In the past, the Scandinavian countries were able to rid themselves of rabies by sanitary control alone, which included stray dog control. Other countries, such as the UK, have used these techniques allied with quarantine and/or vaccination to eradicate and then maintain freedom from the disease. Currently, the importation of mammals into the UK is controlled by the Rabies order. It applies to a wide range of mammals but livestock including horses, which are covered by separate regulations. The animals must be vaccinated on arrival. Effective animal vaccines are available.

Wildlife - canine rabies can be controlled because in general, dogs live in close association with man and are therefore within physical reach. An attempt was made to vaccinate foxes in an attempt to create an immune barrier at the entrance to the Rhone valley in 1978. The live attenuated virus was contained in small plastic blister packages fixed under the skin of chicken heads used as a bait, and 4050 of these were distributed over an area of 335km2. With continued field trials, Switzerland has been freed of rabies. Other field trials are being set up.  

Viral Zoonoses Slide Set